2022/01/08ALBO, 1522-01-08

On the 8th of the month, I took the sun and found 77°½, the declination was 20° 37', and the latitude came to 8° 7', the course was to the S.W., and the day was Wednesday. Today we sighted some islands, which lie East to West, and we sailed between two of them: Lamaluco and Aliguom. There are two smaller islands between them which you will pass on the right on entering the channel. They are inhabited, this channel lies N.E. S.W.¼, E–W., with Buro, and all these islands are ten in number, and run E.– W., ¼ N.E. S.W., and are a matter of 50 leagues in length, we sailed along them, with very bad weather from the S. we coasted them and anchored off the last of them, which is called Malua, which is at 8°⅓, the others are named Liaman, Maumana, Cui [Cisi], Aliguim [Aliquira], Bona, La Maluco, Ponon, and Bera.