2022/01/25ALBO, 1522-01-25

We sailed from Malua and went South, and found the Island of Timor, at 9° latitude, which we coasted along the north from east to west, and [between] the nearest land on the north side, and this land there is a matter of 10 leagues. This coast lies N.E. S.W.¼ N–S with Buro at 197° 45' longitude [W]. We coasted along all the coast of this island of Timor, from east to west, as far as the village of Manbai, first, we came close to the village of Queru, and from Queru to Manbai, the coast runs N.–S., N.E. S.W. ¼. Here, I took the sun on the 5th day of February, at 86°⅔, and the declination was 12° 44', so our latitude came to 9° 24'. This island is very large and populous, and all the island has very good sandal wood, and there are many towns on it.